Figur Shortcode
unsplashNow we're going to attempt and even more ambitious shortcode investigation with the creation of a custom shortcode plugin. I've been researching how to add variables to the shortcode. The content of these variables will be specified within the shortcode definition in the markdown markup in the artic…
Typography Over-Ride
Bruno Martins | unsplashThe core Grav theme template (Antimatter) comes pre-configured to display two Google fonts downloaded from Google Fonts CDN. The two fonts used in the default configuration are: Montserrat (for all the header and display functions) and Raleway (for body text). Although these fonts are quite a nice c…
Auto-Update Webhook — Part 2
unsplashRevised approach to configuration
OK, the first time I tried the GitHub automatic webhook it didn't work out so well. The intent is to automatically upload to the production server any changes or additions made to items located in /user
folder. Although it seemed to function properly at first, my in…
Markdown Basics
Dayne Topkin | unsplashTLDR
My primary text creation tool is SublimeText. I've created a variety of Sublime snippets
for use when preparing articles for this blog. Here are a few of them:
- mdimage + TAB = image tag in GRAV format
- mdatt + TAB = photo credit
- mdlink + TAB = vanilla HTML link tag
- mdlinkkey + TAB = c…
Shortcode Sandbox
Mike Arney | unsplashLet's try a built-in core shortcode. The following shortcode will add an underline to some text. The third word is underlined. OK, now we are going to try a modified shortcode that I put together.
This one will turn the selected text bold and red. The trigger will be... (can't show you). Your chain…