GSAP files as Named Assets
Adding GSAP TweenLite and dependencies as a named asset
I'm having a terrible time getting named assets
to work properly. For example, if I add the various files needed for a minimal instance of GSAP PLUS the custom-scripts
file, it looks as if the stuff is being inserted into the footer error, but Dev Tools reports that there is a 404 error.
Need to look into this more at some point. Right now, I'm simply loading TweenMac and the custom-scripts files as separate .js
entities into the footer area. This is working but not as elegantly as I would like.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Named assets allows you to register and name of a collection of CSS and JS assets. FOr example, all of the dependencies needed for TweenLite to work (including the custom scripts for specific animations) can be registered in the /user/config/system.yaml
LAter this named asset can be called in the template twig file and loaded at the bottom of the page... the whole group using only the asset "name".
- user://custom-scripts/greg-gsap.js
In order to actually use the scripts the named assets has to be called in the base.html.twig
{% block bottom %}
{% do assets.addJs('gsap',{'priority':100, 'group':'bottom', 'loading':'async'}) %}
{{ assets.js('bottom') }}
This is the result as ouput to the bottom of the page in final html
<script src="/gravBlog/gsap?g-89ce02df" type="text/javascript" async></script>
Let's give this a try with a simple animation.