Creating a Simple Gallery
Corbis photosTechnique to display a bunch of photographs (with captions and descriptions - if needed) on a simple gallery page. This takes advantage of Grav's media functionality which allows a page to be aware of the images available in it's folder. The images placed in the enclosing folder will be stored and d…
Manipulating Images Within a Post
istock photoImage files can be manipulated in a variety of ways from within Grav. It supports image manipulation by using a number of extensions added to the image link. The following examples will be an exploration of these methods.
To begin with, images can be stored either in the same folder as the post OR i…
Useful GRAV CLI commands
gChambersWatch SCSS folder for changes to: _custom.scss
A separate gitBash CLI needs to be opened from within the theme root directory, NOT the site root directory.
Open gitBash in the directory that contains the base scss folder.
Keep this terminal open th…