Figure with Figcaption on a Page
Photographer Unknown | Google ImagesThe article below has been depricated. I've since built a shortcode that will allow direct insertion of a figure with source attribution and caption text.
Photo captions are hard! Best case scenario would be for someone to write a shortcode plugin for the html figure
However there…
Setup Grav CLI on Windows 10
gChambersAdmittedly, I'm a newbie at CLI but I did get Grav CLI ALMOST working on Windows 10. Over many days I was able to muddle through. I say almost as there is seemingly one remaining sticking point: after “bin/grav new-project /C/MAMP/htdocs/my-new-project” I am unable to complete the process by install…
Header (hero) Image Over-Ride
OK, I've found some solutions to the graphic design scenarios that I was trying to overcome. The difficulties occurred specifically in the Grav Blog Site template. Other templates may or may-not exhibit the same behavior.
I was able to find a suitable yaml "block" (correct term?) that allows me to…