Re-Sync With Production Server
Often the production website gets out-of-sync with the Github repository (and dev site). This will typically happen during early stages of site development when files and folders are moved from one directory to the next as the site is being optimized. Changing folder location occurs quite a bit as the main menu is being built, modified or updated. Sync issues could also occur after a grav update via Admin Control Panel.
GSAP files as Named Assets
Adding GSAP TweenLite and dependencies as a named asset
I'm having a terrible time getting named assets
to work properly. For example, if I add the various files needed for a minimal instance of GSAP PLUS the custom-scripts
file, it looks as if the stuff is being inserted into the footer error, but Dev Tools reports that there is a 404 error.
Need to look into this more at some point. Right now, I'm simply loading TweenMac and the custom-scripts files as separate .js
entities into the footer area. This is working but not as elegantly as I would like.
Markdown in HTML
Wrapping markdown into html
Although I understand that markdown extra needs to be enabled in order to add html classes to img tags. For example:
![Rubber Ducky - alt text](Ducky_500px.png?cropZoom=200,200) {.float-right}
Markdown pages are very comfortable running straight HTML in addition to markdo…