Setup Grav CLI on Windows 10
gChambersAdmittedly, I'm a newbie at CLI but I did get Grav CLI ALMOST working on Windows 10. Over many days I was able to muddle through. I say almost as there is seemingly one remaining sticking point: after “bin/grav new-project /C/MAMP/htdocs/my-new-project” I am unable to complete the process by install…
Re-Sync With Production Server
Often the production website gets out-of-sync with the Github repository (and dev site). This will typically happen during early stages of site development when files and folders are moved from one directory to the next as the site is being optimized. Changing folder location occurs quite a bit as the main menu is being built, modified or updated. Sync issues could also occur after a grav update via Admin Control Panel.
Useful GRAV CLI commands
gChambersWatch SCSS folder for changes to: _custom.scss
A separate gitBash CLI needs to be opened from within the theme root directory, NOT the site root directory.
Open gitBash in the directory that contains the base scss folder.
Keep this terminal open th…