Figure with Figcaption on a Page
Photographer Unknown | Google ImagesThe article below has been depricated. I've since built a shortcode that will allow direct insertion of a figure with source attribution and caption text.
Photo captions are hard! Best case scenario would be for someone to write a shortcode plugin for the html figure
However there…
Markdown in HTML
Wrapping markdown into html
Although I understand that markdown extra needs to be enabled in order to add html classes to img tags. For example:
![Rubber Ducky - alt text](Ducky_500px.png?cropZoom=200,200) {.float-right}
Markdown pages are very comfortable running straight HTML in addition to markdo…
Simple CSS Image Slider
istock PhotoCookbook tutorial for a CSS image slider containing four images. Relies on the
jQuery plug-in named "Slidy". Rather crude, but it does seem to work with minimal set up... just some keyframe rules in the _custom.scss
Perhaps it might be worthwhile to explore the GSAP version of this technique? Definitely, but I'll need to wait until I have more skills to tackle that project. Reference files for GSAP technique are found at:
C:\Users\Gregory Chambers\_gProjects\GSAP_Instruction\gregGSAP_Class\Image Slider
Start by placing the images into this folder.